Every life has stories worth saving

You are lucky enough to hear the amazing stories from your residents about their lives.

Unfortunately, these stories are regularly forgotten and can be lost forever over time.

HistoryBox makes it easy for your residents to create their memoirs and share the stories that made their life unique and special with their loved ones.

There is something wonderfully rewarding about getting to share your story and in knowing that it will be kept for future generations to enjoy and learn from.

Introducing the HistoryBox

HistoryBox is an easy way for your residents to share their history with their family and friends. It’s user friendly and doesn’t add to your staff’s workload.

Simple for everyone

Your resident opens the box and talks - the system does the rest. This simplicity makes it quick and easy for new residents to start using the HistoryBox. Setup is a breeze and moving the HistoryBox between residents only takes a few minutes

Long term potential

Moving a HistoryBox between residents is easy! If a resident feels like they’ve run out of stories for the moment, you can set up a new resident to use the HistoryBox. You can just as easily transition the box back to the original resident when they remember new stories they’d like to share.

This cycling, combined with our regularly distributed question idea packs, means HistoryBox is an activity your residents can do regularly for years.

Speed up volunteer orientation

Once you’ve finalised volunteer paperwork and found a good volunteer and resident match, the important part of the volunteering process starts: the introduction and start of the volunteer-resident friendship.

HistoryBox makes it easy for new volunteers to learn about residents and find the things they have in common, while having fun.

Forming that important bond that keeps the volunteer coming back is made much easier and faster with HistoryBox. It's an activity which strengthens and reinforces volunteer-resident friendships even after they've stopped using it.

Find new pools of volunteers

Finding new volunteers is a time consuming and difficult process for most activity directors. You never seem to have enough volunteers and have to manage regular volunteer turnover.

HistoryBox gives you the ability to access multiple additional pools of potential volunteers.

  • Local history groups would love the chance to talk to your local residents about what life was like in the area in years past.
  • You could work with local school history departments to form projects around HistoryBox recordings.
  • Ancestry groups would love the opportunity to learn about family histories.

Longer, more frequent family visits

Excited grandparent with grandchild

Every family has that member who is really interested in family history.

HistoryBox gives them a way to learn about their family history while helping their loved one record their stories.

Having a shared project to work on will encourage family members to visit more frequently and ensure higher quality visits.